It is important to monitor hives periodically for mite infestations as part of good management practices. Apistan will ensure proper control and will reduce the risk of tolerance development within mite populations.
Apistan Anti-Varroa Strips
Apistan was the first commercially available mite control product; it's hard on mites but easy on bees. Apistan® controls mites as bees come in contact with the strip. There is enough, tau-fluvalinate in the strip to last an 8 week period. When the bees interact within the strip, the active ingredient is released to control mites. Apistan® protects the whole hive from the Varroamites.
- Convenient easy to apply strips.
- Easy-to-follow, four-step application.
- Fluvalinate is released at a constant, controlled rate, targeting Varroa as they emerge from brood cells.
- Won't harm bees.